How to kill creativity via schools; 21st Century Learning

Hi there in this post i will be writing about 21st Century Learning and i want to write about it's disadvantages.
A gif from Giphy
I think 21st Century is the worst century after Age of Reformation. All humans used to grow their knowledge and strengthen their personalities they invented many things and they found the knowledge they had was so little and universe was so vast. They piled up their knowledge they continuesly improwed communication as well as their life quality then they tried to develop a system that will educate children and make them stronger in means of personality and knowledge. But that didn't happen all i can see is a bad system that makes us lazy, unaware, unendingly inventing stopped only innovaton left. And people are using education to get more powerful and stronger at the council of country. I think we are doomed. For example Bill Gates a person all we know dropped out from the harvard and became one of the rich people in the world dropping out from a school and getting rich is a contradiction for us. All we learn is about how to limitize ourselves and became a lamp in the society so we can follow anybody. And even the expectations exams that school prepares are horrible. A simple mere test can't evaluate anybody everybody is unique and their own progress of growth. Einstein for example, he couldn't speak fluently til his 9 and he failed an entering exam to a university in his 17 so what? He changed the view of everybody in terms of science and maths and even now there are theories going on whether his brain was stolen or not so i think school needs to be reformed.

A Word Cloud about 21st Century Learning
